Lake of the Woods, OR Saturday, September 7, 2019
Hosted by Southern Oregon Masters Aquatics

LOCATION: Lake of the Woods is a freshwater lake nestled 4900′ up in the Southern Cascade Crest. The natural spring fed lake is surrounded by old growth Douglas Fir, Lodgepole and Ponderosa Pines. Serving as the backdrop are the 9500′ Mount McLoughlin and the 7300′ Brown Mountain volcanoes. Probable water temperature on the day of the event is 66°F to 72°F.
This event is in conjunction with Southern Oregon’s Lake of the Woods Tri-Sport Weekend, which offers many events in which to participate. Have everyone pick events and bring the whole family out for a weekend of fun! More information about the event can be found here:
A list of events and entry for each can be found here: COMING SOON!
SWIMS: Swimmers may enter one or both of the swims. We’ll start with a 3000-meter swim, twice clockwise around a rectangular course. Then we’ll stage the 1500-meter swim, once around the rectangular course counter-clockwise. US Masters swimmers will NOT be sharing the water with triathletes. The USMS sanctioned swims will start at different times than any of the triathlon events.
SWIM SCHEDULE (subject to change due to conditions):
4:00-8:00pm BBQ and Band
ELIGIBILITY: Open ONLY to 2019 USMS members or foreign equivalents 18+ on race day. USMS “One-Event” membership—covering all swims—is available for adults 18+ only for $21. Swimmers 17 and under are eligible to participate but must enter the non-USMS swim event (different than this USMS event) and their swims will be started at a different time and scored as separate events from 18+ USMS swimmers.
RULES: Current USMS rules shall govern this event.
- Age will be determined by the age of the swimmer on December 31, 2019, except for 18-year-olds, who must be 18 on the day of the event;
- Category II suits—including wetsuits—are welcomed in all swims, but will be scored in a separate category in the 1500 & 3000-meter swims;
- Swimmers in either swimwear category MAY wear a personal buoy (tow float) for identification and safety. These are defined as inflatable, tethered to the waist, and towed no farther behind than the top of the ankle;
- Swimmers MAY make deliberate contact with craft and/or physical features on or near the course.
STARTS & SEEDING: The 1500 & 3000-meter swims will both use a mass start.
TIME LIMIT: The 3000-meter swim has a time limit of 1.5 hours. The 1500-meter swim has a 1-hour time limit. Swimmers on the course after these time limits may be stopped and listed as DNF in the results.
SAFETY—OUR PRIMARY CONCERN: Safety boats will monitor the entire course. Swimmers must wear a brightly colored swim cap, have their race number on their arms or hands, and follow all announced safety rules without exception.
REGISTRATION—ONLINE ONLY (except day-of-race entries, which carry a $10 late fee): Online entries must be received by Thursday, September 12. After that, swimmers may only enter as a Day-of-Race entry, which carries a $10 late fee. Save some cash—submit your entries on time!
ENTRY FEES: One swim (1500 or 3000-meter) is $30; two swims are $40. Entry fee includes pre & post-swim snacks and the swims themselves.
OMS SANCTION SURCHARGE: There is a required a $5 per swimmer surcharge to cover the cost of USMS-mandated sanction insurance.
RESULTS: Will be posted at Eel Lake promptly after each swim and at,, and after the event.
AWARDS: Age groups are standard USMS age groups.
- 1500 and 3000-meter swims: Lake of the Woods ribbons to the top three finishers in each age group & race in both suit categories.
OREGON OPEN WATER SERIES: All swims count towards the cumulative season series. Both the 1500 & 3000-meter swims are featured swims.
SNACKS: Bananas, watermelon and other random goodies
SOUVENIRS: Event T-shirt and sweatshirts will be available for purchase
DIRECTIONS: Google Lake of the Woods Resort, just off U.S. Highway 140 between Klamath Falls and Medford.
PARKING: There is plenty of nearby parking at the resort. Parking fee is $5
CAMPING: Lake of the Woods has several options for staying for the Lake of the Woods Tri/Sport Weekend. There is tent camping at both Aspen and Sunset campgrounds which are both very close to the start of the event. The official reservation closure for the facilities is Labor day but don’t worry there will be spots available. All sites in Aspen will be on a 1st come 1st served basis. If needed we will also open additional sites in Sunset Campground. To get cozy in a cabin call 866-201-4194 or check here:
RV spots are also available. Please see the map here:
LOCAL KNOWLEDGE GURU: Chad Wikander 541-621-2747
SWIM EVENT DIRECTOR: Matt Miller 636-209-8916