Wow, what an incredible meet SOMA had this past weekend at the Oregon Masters Swimming Association Championships in Tualatin Hills! Full results and team scores are attached to this email.
As a team, SOMA placed 2nd overall and 2nd in the large team category for the second consecutive year. Our men won overall and our women were 3rd, combining for 2nd place overall. However, this year we were much, much closer to taking home the title! While Oregon Reign Masters had 50 people to our mere 30, we still performed exceptionally well and only came up 150 points short. Reign scored 1164 total points to our 1014. To put that in perspective, if we had had 3 or 4 more women attend the meet, we would almost certainly have won overall!!!

Congratulations to everyone who attended the meet, swam, laughed, loved, and played together! What a great weekend. I am extremely grateful to all of you who attended and swam with SOMA this year. Here’s to hoping we can get more people out next year!
Some highlights from the meet…
Big kudos go out to those of you who attended their first Masters meet and/or their first meet ever! It takes courage to try something new and intimidating. You all should be proud of yourselves!
Here’s a list of people who fall in that category…I hope I don’t leave anyone off:
Aaron Ghiglieri
Michael Grant (first Masters meet in 10+ years)
Kari May (first Masters meet in many years)
Matt Osborn (first swim meet ever!!)
Lisa Ross
Nathan Tuck
Lynsey Turek
Karen Welden
Connie Wilson
Below is a list of SOMA State Champions (individuals who won one or more of the events in their age group). Women are listed first, then men, in alphabetical order.
Congratulations to all of you!!
Alice Fasbender
Kari May
Jayna Tomac
Natascha Tulloch
Lynsey Turek
Connie Wilson
James Adams
Mike Dix
Wes Edwards
Barry Fasbender
Aaron Ghiglieri
Michael Grant
Mark Hageman
Rick Howell
Dan Kirkland
Willard Lamb
Matt Miller rank Philipps
Cliff Stephens
Jon Stout
Nathan Tuck
Christian Tujo
I still need to go through and update the SOMA record board. I hope to get to it later this week. It will be almost entirely rewritten after this meet. Well done everyone!
In addition to a plethora of SOMA records, there were several Oregon and Northwest Zone records set by SOMA swimmers and even one National record!
Here’s the list:
Men 25-29
50 Yard Freestyle
Aaron Ghiglieri 25 OREG 21.28 Oregon
50 Yard Breaststroke
Aaron Ghiglieri 25 OREG 26.74 Oregon
50 Yard Butterfly
Aaron Ghiglieri 25 OREG 23.09 Oregon
Men 55-59
400 Yard IM
Mark Hageman 56 OREG 4:52.10 Oregon
Men 70-74
1650 Yard Freestyle
Dan Kirkland 70 OREG 19:46.98 Oregon, Zone, National
100 Yard Backstroke
Dan Kirkland 70 OREG 1:07.73 Oregon, Zone
200 Yard Backstroke
Dan Kirkland 70 OREG 2:24.11 Oregon, Zone
Congratulations Aaron, Mark, and Dan on your State, Zone, and National records! It was really fun for everyone to see you all swimming so fast.
In addition to records, many people posted times that put them in the all-time top 12 list in Oregon. To see if your swims earned that distinction, check here:
All of the swims from the meet this past weekend were just added to the database this morning, so everything is current as of today.
I have attached the team photo from Saturday and the banner photo from Sunday. Links to videos I recorded over the weekend are at the bottom of this email. I wish I could have gotten more, but trying to swim my own events limited the amount of time I was on deck. Next year I may recruit a couple of people to help be videographers
If any of you took photos over the weekend and are inclined to share, please send me some photos!
You all deserve a bit of a break after the biggest meet of the year in Oregon. But soon you should start planning for the summer. Oregon has an amazing open water series. Check out the Oregon Event list for a complete list:
In particular, I’d highly encourage all of you to come out to swim at Applegate Lake this year. The 1500 on Sunday, July 14th is the OMS Association Championships for the open water. Unfortunately, I will be out of town attending the USMS Board of Directors meeting in Denver and won’t be able to attend. Thus, I need all of you to show up and represent SOMA without me there! Registration for the Applegate Lake swim is here:
The two swims we (SOMA) host are Eel Lake on August 17th and Lake of the Woods on September 7th. Be sure to attend those as well to support SOMA either as a participant or a volunteer. If you are interested in volunteering, please let me know. I will also miss Eel Lake this year, as I will be in England attempting a relay crossing of the English Channel with Christian Tujo that week. Thankfully, Mike Dix has agreed to serve as race director and Jayna Tomac will be safety director again. Please help them out if you can!
Long Course Association Champs will be held at Mt. Hood Community College in Gresham, OR on August 23-25. Just like this past weekend, we will all swim as a SOMA team at this long course meters (LCM) meet. Please plan to attend to see if we can challenge ORM in their home pool!
I apologize for the length of this email. Thank goodness this is the end!
Thank you all again, those who attended the meet this past weekend, for making it a fun and friendly time for all of us SOMA people! We have a great team going here and I look forward to many more years of swimming with all of you!!!
200 medley relay Lisa, Jayna, Mike, Matt:
Aaron Ghiglieri 50 free:
Aaron Ghiglieri 100 Breast:
Cliff Stephens and Jayna Tomac 50 free:
Dan Kirkland 50 free:
Frank Philipps 50 free:
Jayna Tomac 200 Breast:
Linda Parmentier 50 Free:
Mark Hageman and Matt Osborn 200 free:
Mark Hageman 100 IM:
Mark, Mike and James 400 IM:
Matt Osborn 50 Free:
Matt Osborn 100 free:
Michael Grant 200 Breast:
Mike Dix 100 fly:
Mike Dix 100 free:
Mike Dix 100 IM:
Mike Dix and James Adams 200 free:
Natascha Tulloch 200 breast:
Rick Howell 200 Breast:
Rick, Natascha, Jayna 100 Breast:
Tanya Baxter 50 Free:
Wes Edwards 50 Free: