3000/6000 ePostal swims, Superior re-opens tomorrow
Hello SOMA swimmers, Happy early Halloween! Fall is here and, now that the days are shorter and cooler, most of us shift our routines from outdoor activities to more indoor…
Hello SOMA swimmers, Happy early Halloween! Fall is here and, now that the days are shorter and cooler, most of us shift our routines from outdoor activities to more indoor…
10-minute warmup on your own 10 x 50 @ 1:00 - Free Drill (catchup, fist, finger-tip drag, etc.) 8 x 25 @ :40 - Reverse IM order, 2 of each…
10-minute warmup on your own 10 x 50 @ 1:00 - Drill - IM switch or your stroke of focus 8 x 125 IM @ 2:10 - odds are 25…
10-minute warmup on your own 10 x 50 @ 1:00 - Drill - your stroke of focus 2 x (100, 75, 50, 25, 25, 50, 75, 100 - 50 EZ)…
10-minute warmup on your own 10 x 50 @ 1:00 - Drill - IM switch or your stroke of focus 8 x 25 @ :40 - Reverse IM order, 2…
10-minute warmup on your own 10 x 50 @ 1:00 - Drill - IM switch or your stroke of focus 8 x 25 @ :40 - Reverse IM order, 2…
10-minute warmup on your own 10 x 50 @ 1:00 - Drill - your stroke of choice 8 x 25 @ :40 - Reverse IM order, 2 of each stroke…
10-minute warmup on your own 10 x 50 @ 1:00 - Drill backstroke 8 x 25 @ :40 - Reverse IM order, 2 of each stroke 2 x (5 x…
10-minute warmup on your own 10 x 50 @ 1:00 - Drill - 3-4 50s of each non-freestyle stroke 8 x 25 @ :40 - Reverse IM order, 2 of…
10-minute warmup on your own 10 x 50 @ 1:00 - Drill - your stroke of choice 8 x 25 @ :40 - Reverse IM order, 2 of each stroke…